5. MooseCup 2019 International Hobby Ice Hockey Tournament
27. - 29.09.2019
Graz - Liebenau / AUSTRIA

Sport-Fachgeschäft rund um den Hockeybedarf  Photography by Stefan Warmuth  Sportamt Graz  FatMoon.Media  roomz graz | Budget Design Hotel  bio SHOP GRAZ  Army Western Shop Graz  ASVÖ Steiermark  werbeagentur e-dvertising  Opel Lopic REHA-TECHNIK  Universitätsdruckerei Klampfer  Vexcel Imaging 


Prize giving ceremony

10 Teams - 10 winner. Congratulations again!!!

Special Awards

MooseCup is not only famous for the good quality of hobby icehockey, but also for its sidecompetitions. There lots of additional awards:

Topscorer of the tournament

1. #2  Jan "BJ" Petroušek  -  HC Tsunami Nymburk

Most assists

Most assists of the Tournament

#14 Samu Tiilikainen - EVU Ukot

Goalie of the tournament

Best Goalie of the Tournament

#1 Bogdan Dabovic - HK Drvene Nogice
Stick for topgoalie sponsered by Spirit of Hockey. Thank you very much!

Bad boy of the tournament

Bad Boy of the Tournament

#18 Jarmo "bad guy" Lipponen - Mansen Ketut

Best coach

Best Coach of the Tournament

Milan "The czech living Legend" Nový - HC Firedrakes Brno-Popůvky
The two-time world champion and three-time Czechoslovakian player of the year is rightly the coach of the tournament

Worst goalie

Worst Goalie of the tournament

#30 Manuel Bachmann - UEC Leisach

Smallest viewers

The smallest viewers

Fans of EHV Bautzen Huskies

Most drunken party tiger

Party Tiger of the Tournament

#78 Tommi Sairanen - Mansen Ketut
Tommi earned this title the day before the tournament when he got off the bus when he arrived ...

Best beard of the tournament

Best Beard of the Tourrnament

#12 Pasi "coolbeard" Leppänen - EVU Ukot

Worst smelling player

Most Smelling Player

#3 Gerhard Hutter - Mighty Moose Hockey

Most loyal team

Loyalty Cup - 5x at the MooseCup (golden egg cup)

EHV Bautzen Huskies have been with all 5 MooseCups so far and have received this golden egg cup as a thank you. Loyalty pays off.

Best actor

Best Actor of the Tourrnament

#32 Armin Borovcnik - Mighty Moose Hockey
Boro earned this title through his "BJ" acting in the Moose cabin